- Well, you can see this site in the resolution you want, with the numbers of colors you want, with the Browser you want. However, I would recommend 800x600 and 256 colors as a minimum. I would also recommend Opera as the Browser, just because it is the more convenient and the fastest I know. The Lynx-lovers will be able to see these pages too, without the pictures of course.
- Thanks to WebCounter for their free web counter...
- The domain name was registered for me by http://www.getdomain.com/. Only $15 CDN each year !
- At first, this site was freely hosted by http://www.ifrance.com/, a french Internet Services Provider. But there was some creepy banners.
- So I switched to the free provider http://www.hebergement-gratuit.com/, by NFrance Conseil, a french Internet Services Provider. But it's limited to 1MB...
- So I switched to http://www.discount-hosting.com/, also by NFrance Conseil, which allow me to manage 50MB.
- © All the pictures in this website are copyrighted to the King Features Syndicate, inc. World rights reserved.
- Well, yes, I'm french.