"a gentle monster of our new mythology"

Gilbert Seldes

Authors : Patrick McDonnell, Karen O'Connell, Georgia Riley de Havenon.
The only book that is not out of print !! Go get it !! Very nice work, to discover this amazing comic-strip...

The book is designed in three distinct parts :
  • The introduction, "The Krazy Kat That Walks By Himself", by Gilbert Seldes.
  • A nice biography, describing George Herriman, his life and work, and also Krazy Kat.
  • And more than 100 pages of Sundays reprinted (some colors) and 19 pages of dailies (76 days).

ISBN 0-8109-1211-2 (ISBN 0-8109-2313-0 pbk., Abradale ISBN 0-8109-8152-1)
